Mgr. Jan Ševčík
is a librarian, political scientist, and historian specializing in the history of occultism and the influence of occult organizations and teachings on politics. He obtained his higher education while working at Masaryk University, where he earned a master's degree in political science in 2019. He is now continuing his studies in a doctoral program at the Historical Institute of MUNI. He works at the Jiří Mahen Library, currently as the head of the Jiří Mahen Memorial. He is also involved in social work and lecturing. Among his publications, for example, is a comprehensive historical study "Brno," which explores various conceptions of the city, whether functional or in the understanding of its different groups of inhabitants. The study was published as part of the collection The City and Its Symbols (2021).
PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Kubisa, PhD.
is an ethnologist and scholar of religion, focusing on contemporary esotericism and new religious and esoteric movements in Slovakia. He completed his rigorous studies at Charles University in Prague and his doctoral studies at the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). He worked at the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of SAS, where he focused on digital ethnology, archival research, applied archival science, and digitization of archival collections. He currently works as a historian at the Nation's Memory Institute. He is a founding member and the current director of the Institute for Research of Slovak Esotericism.
Mgr. Veronika
is a Czech political scientist and author. Topics such as indigenous traditions, myths, and magic have attracted her since childhood. Eventually, however, she was captivated by Afro-Caribbean religions, which she has been studying for 15 years. In this spirituality, she finds a unique connection of a living religious system and deep historical roots. In her books, she combines an academic approach, straddling the fields of religious studies and cultural anthropology, with engaging descriptions of local customs and authentic depictions of magical and ritual practices. Published books include: Voodoo: Magic and Religion (2013), Santería: Worship of Saints in Cuba (2017), Initiation into Haitian Voodoo (2020), Encyclopedia of Voodoo (2022).
Mgr. Olga Čejková
studied religious studies and art history at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno. She is currently engaged in a doctoral study of religious studies at Palacký University in Olomouc, focusing on the research of religious elements in hunting. She works at the Jiří Mahen Library in Brno, where she serves as the head of the Marketing Department and Cultural Educational Services. She is also active as an art curator in independent projects at Schrott Gallery Brno, Galerie Ve výminku, and others.